Mouthguards and Dental Appliances


Athletic Mouthguards

A properly fitted mouthguard is a key piece of athletic gear. Mouthguards cushion impact that may otherwise cause broken teeth, jaw injuries, or cuts to the lips, tongue or face. Dr. Tipton recommends PlaySafe® mouthguards that can be made in a variety of colors. Our team will take an impression that is sent to a professional lab where your guard will be made to provide supeior fit and retention compared to boil and bite mouthguards.

Mouthguards for Bruxism or Grinding

If you grind your teeth while you're asleep, it may help to wear a mouth guard or mouth splint at night. Mouth guards and splints even out the pressure across your jaw and create a physical barrier between your upper and lower teeth to protect them from further damage.

Custom Colors

Choose your team's colors.


Guard your teeth, jaw, and lips.

Proper Fit

Custom-made for your unique dental structure

Coach's Choice

Key piece of your athletic gear.