
We hope this update finds you healthy and happy, living your best pandemic life! The past several months’ challenges have certainly given all of us at the office pause to consider our blessings and priorities.  Among those blessings are our patients, who we consider friends, and one of our top priorities is your health – both dental and overall.

Our commitment to delivering excellent and safe dental care is unwavering, even in the face of crisis, We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we do so with extra layers (literally!) of protection, As always, we are open to your questions and concerns.

When you arrive:

  • Please stay in your car and call the office 541-889-7017.
  • Please wear a mask.
  • We will come out and take your temperature and ask some questions related to Covid.

We are trying to keep the waiting room empty to avoid any extra risk of exposure at this time.

Thank you,

The Tipton Dental Team